Get Enrolled, Get Verified, Get Access, and Get Going!

ePrescribing Features
- Built from the ground up over the last 4 years – utilizes the latest technologies
- Clean/uncluttered prescriber workflow
- Electronic Prescribing for Controlled Substances (EPCS)
- DEA Certified for ePrescribing
- Prescriber Credentialing (via
- Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Support
- Compound Medication Support
- Prescription Order Sets (group multiple meds into a single order)
- Drug Pricing at Point of Care
- Patient Savings Programs
- Patient Messaging
- Patient Medication History
- Automated Patient Benefits and Formulary checking
- Surescripts Certified NewRx, RxChange, RefillRx, CancelRx, RxRenewal, RxFill, EPCS messages
ePrescribing of Controlled Substances

Prescription Drug
Monitoring Programs
Monitoring Programs

Surescripts Certified
EPCS Solution
EPCS Solution

Two Factor Authentication,
ID Proofing & Audit Trails
ID Proofing & Audit Trails

Price Transparency Features
- Share drug price with patients at point of care
- Prices are available from multiple data sources
- Patients can make informed decision to save money
- Reduces prescription abandonment
- Verify script transmissions and fills
ePrescribing Made Easy
eazyScripts makes it fast and easy to safely electronic prescribe
all types of medications to patients at the best price.
all types of medications to patients at the best price.