Tentative Q3 – Version 9.0.0
- 1693 – V1 and V2 API are able to be integrated without “Apps” whitelisting of IPs
Enforcing the whitelisting of IP addresses for API versions V1 and V2. - 2662 – eazyScripts Dashboard – Add prescription names to Refill requests, Recent prescriptions, and Change requests
Prescription details added to Refill Requests, Recent Prescriptions, and Change Requests display on the user Dashboard.
Tentative Q2 – Version 8.0.1
- 970 – Custom Patient Data Separation – Ability to separate patient data based on clinic location.
- 2657 – Add Prescriber Numbers to Clinic Information Section of Prescriber setup screen. State, Medicare, Medicaid. – eazyScripts is adding additional fields to the location (clinic) setup page. Administrative users can now enter medicare, medicaid, and state ID#s to support numbers that may vary by state. Each field is 1-35 alpha-numeric characters long.
- 2362 – Provide the ability for prescribers to add patient benefits manually on patient profile if SureScripts is not able to populate a benefit plan. eazyScripts is adding a Rx Benefit tab to the patient’s demographics section. This will allow users to manually enter patient insurance coverage whose coverage is automatically updated. This affects eazyScripts EHRs – they can now send the patient’s drug information (BIN/PCN/Group/ID) in an API to populate eazyScripts.
6/28/2022 – Version 8.0.0
- 2449 Preferred Rx & Compound Med Rework -eazyScripts has reworked the layout and user interface (UI) of the subtabs “Preferred Prescriptions” and “Compound Medicine” in the MyAccounts tab. We have created a uniform look and feel for our users.We have enhanced each section to allow users to pre-populate any or all fields on screen 1 of the eRx workflow. Previously, users could only create preferred (favorites) with the drug name. Now, users can also pre-populate the quantity, duration, SIG, PRN, and substitutions allowed. Prescribers can now select a preferred prescription or compound medication containing all populated fields and change only those that may be unique for a given prescription. We do not recommend auto-populating the pharmacy section as that will cause the preferred or compound to default to a single pharmacy for all patients.
- 2378 File Issue Report for Doctor & Patient Batch Upload – Provide an exportable report that shows all the issues that were on the csv file
- 2591 Pharmacy Search – NewRx screen1 dependency issue. – We have removed a dependency on screen 1 that required the prescriber complete prescription related information on screen 1 before they can search for a patient’s pharmacy.
- 1602 Dosage Calculator – A calculator to determine the dosage based on height and weight. – eazyScripts now provides the ability to automatically display the “suggested” dose based on the patient’s age, height and/or weight. We are using data stored in our drug database, provided by FDB. Users can still select from the drop-down or enter the dose in the SIG entry field.
- 2654 Compound Medicine UI – Update to the Compound Medicine UI to allow to create and ability to prescribe compound medicines.
- 2556 Duplicate therapy alert (not showing) error on submit – eazyScripts fixed a workflow issue related to editing prescriptions written on screen 1 and displayed on screen 2. Example:, a user writes a prescription for Crestor 20mg on screen 1 and selects <add>. Screen 2 is updated and displays the Crestor 20mg.. The user then decides to edit Crestor 20mg, by selecting the edit icon on screen 2, and changes the prescription to Crestor 40mg. When the user selects <add> after writing the 40mg, a warning message iis returned stating the medication is already active. The original, 20mg prescription data was not being cleared properly.
- 2631 Updating sigs -> common_ord_indeazyScripts is incorporating a new field into the SIG (directions to patient) check. The common order indicator value (common_ord-ind) is used to identify the most common SIGs associated with specific prescription names. Note: not all drugs have a common description.This common indicator field will allow eazyScripts to sort the most common SIGs so they appear at the top of your SIG drop-down list. Additional SIGs without the indicator value will appear after the common SIGs in order, lowest dose to highest dose. Displaying the common SIGs at the top of the list should make the SIG selection process faster for our end-users.
6/8/2022 – Hotfix 3.6
- 2622 – SureScripts Feedback EPCS RxRenewalResponse – Replace Response Type: A new RxRenewalResponse, Replace, has been implemented for Refill Renewal Requests. This response type is used with Non-EPCS, if the original prescriber is unable to respond to the request. It is a required response type for all EPCS requests.
- 2743 Dosage Min/Max warning message: change message text – To reduce confusion for providers, eazyScripts is removing the dosing calculation details and will simply alert the prescriber that the dosage for a given drug may be outside the normal dose. The prescriber can review and override the alert or make changes to the drug dose.
– Old Message: This daily dose 1 is out of range for the daily minimum 0.01 the daily maximum 0.20
– New Message: The daily dose appears to be outside the minimum or maximum range for this patient/medication. The range is based on multiple factors including patient age and/or weight. Please confirm before proceeding.
– Note: Dosage min/max range information is contained in the eazyScripts drug database provided by First Data Bank.
5/10/2022 – Hotfix 3.5.2
- 2634 Directions should be according to common order column – eazyScripts is incorporating a new data element into the SIG (directions to patient) check. The common order indicator value (common_ord-ind) is used to identify the most common SIGs associated with a specific prescription.This common indicator field will allow eazyScripts to sort (behind the scenes) the most common SIGs so they appear at the top of your SIG drop-down list. Additional SIGs without the indicator value will appear after the common sigs in order, lowest dose to highest dose. Displaying the common SIGs at the top of the list should make the SIG selection process faster for our end-users. This enhancement does not change the user display..Note: not all drugs have a common description.
3/5/2022 – Hotfix 3.5
- 2635 – Missing medication directions – eazyScripts has made enhancements to the SIG ( Patient Directions) section on screen 1 of the eRx process. The result of the enhancements should reduce time and improve the prescribing process by adding default directions for various medications. Note: Not all medications contain default values.
3/3/2022 – Version 7.0.2
- 2401 Package Size Default to Zero – The package size is an optional size. Should be displayed as null. Only populated if they select from the drop down.
- 2496 Add “None” Radio button under Two Factor Authentication Type – To fix existing data would require generating a report and reviewing all the accounts. We have users that do not use either “hard token” or “Identrust”.
- Added a “None” radio button.
- Do not hide the ID.me radio button. Should be visible all the time and disable the disappearing state.
- 2491 Add New “Dental” Specialty to the drop down – Users will now have the ability to add Dental from the specialty drop down list when adding a new prescriber.
- 2374 Print prescription + user info in prescription detail (all caps)
- User Demographics text should be capital. Make the labels and the data in capitals.
- Prescription print text should be all capital. Make the labels and the data in capitals.
2/22/2022 – Version 7.0.1
- 2144 Watermark on Rx copies should be placed across entire page
- 2216 Pharmacy Search Rework – Updating the way a prescriber can search for pharmacies, we have included individual search boxes to give the option to search based on various information a user knows. The more detailed the search the more refined the results will be.
- 2355 Admin User of Parent Subdomains should be able to manage in Child subdomains – Admin users of parent subdomains will now be able to perform admin actions in their respective child subdomains. Actions include:creating, updating, and deleting.
- 1853 Allow our parent integration clients to create subdomains – Integration clients to be able to create subdomains themselves. We will have end points and UI added to the admin console. Create endpoints for integration. Clients can create their own UI or use our UI to manage the domains.
2/9/2022 – Version 7.0.0
- 2459 Amalgamate therapy alerts based on similar classes
- 393 PDMP (Prescription Drug Monitoring Program) – Depending on the state they are located in and consent of the patient, doctors will now have the ability to perform background checks on patients and view their past history with prescription drugs.
- 2410 Mid level practitioners unable to self approve controlled substance.
- 2125 Tracking onboarding and offboarding prescriber date/time stamp – Ability to view various time stamps of when prescribers initiated actions within the eazyScripts platform.
12/15/2021 – Version 6.0.1
- 1404 New Fields Specific for Puerto Rico Pharmacies – New fields have been added specifically for pharmacies in Puerto Rico:
- AASMCA number and Physician License number
- These numbers should appear on the provider profile under “My Account”, on the prescription that is sent to the pharmacy, and anywhere else NPI and DEA appear
11/30/2021 – Version 6.0.0
- 2404 Implement new directories fetching query provided by FDB – Irrelevant directories with respect to dose of selected medicine were loading against selected medicine
- 1978 Allow Providers to initiate refill renewals for a prescription – Add Refill Renewal button and UI – A refill renew button has been added to the eazyScripts portal to allow providers to initiate a refill renewal with a simple click of a button.
- 2278 ID.me – Prescribers email mismatch issue, allow updating Email – If users need to change/update the email that is used for ID.me, a link has been included in the event that the user needs to update their
- 510 DEA Number/Narcotic DEA Number UI Placement
- 1248 Pharmacy search option for name and location combined
- 1473 Add New User – Prefix field should have a dropdown with possible options
- 1823 Client Portal login on eazyScripts.com is hard to find
- 1824 Can we improve the eazyScripts.com client portal for updating their subscriptions, payment details etc
- 1822 API Request form on eazyscripts.com is not working correctly, per prospective clients
- 2063 Clearly Define PRN Checkbox on New Rx Screen
- 2004 Blackbox Warnings from FDA
- 2019 View Patient Medication History By Date
- 1104 Ability for client’s to change their theme colors (primary/secondary hex codes)
- 2385 Recent Prescriptions not up to date
11/4/2021 – Version 5.0.2
- 2335 Admin User Role to be able to Print Prescriptions
- 2334 Logout Endpoint for V3 – Security Risk for Client – New endpoint has been created to log out users once the iframe is closed, taking away the reliance on time out sessions, making the manual execution more effective.
- 2332 Allow a list of problems to be added to problem list – Users now have the ability to add multiple items to the problem list as opposed to previously submitting singular items.
- 1370 Exclude Iframe Secret Key – In iFrame, the secret key has been excluded. As well as being taken out of HTML and URL.
10/21/2021 – Version 5.0.1
- 411 Order Sets – A new feature allowing users to create batch prescription orders. Once created users have the ability to submit these order sets whenever they need, cutting down the time it would normally take to create each individual patient prescription.